Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Platforms to SUCCESS ...

 Hello people, I am back ... As I mentioned in my previous post, We all must DARE TO DREAM to be able to imagine or to picture a successful path infront of us. Now, the question is that once we have this dreams,  how are we gonna achieve it ? There are many ways of achieving it... 

Lets say, your dream is "to be able to hit RM 1 million by the age of 21", you can do it through hundreds of ways. You can rob a bank, run some illegal business such as drug trafficking or DVD sellers or even loan sharks ! but what we are talking here is to achieve that goal or dream of yours  using the LEGAL ways, ways that you can be proud to stand infront of a crowd of thousands of people and tell them "I DID IT !!!"...

Now, through the LEGAL way, there are also hundreds of methods... but what i want to share is about the ways that i used. Basically, i used two main platforms to prepare myself towards my dream. The 1st platform that i step on was the SCOUTING platform. 

Scouting, is a voluntary body movement that is internationally recognised. It is one of the most famous body movement in the world because of its history, motive, knowledge, and also its fun and interesting activities. Well, what makes the scout activities and knowledge different from others?

Scout activities are activities that promotes both teamwork and individual effort. It tests your mental, physical and also spiritual to the max to bring out the best in an individual. But, why do i say that such activities can put you in the right pathway to achieve your dream ? Basically, because Scouting activities put you in a position that makes you work in a team whether you like it or not. This is useful because when we are in the working world, we need to be both a good teamleader and also a team player. When we are out there we need to communicate with people, leaders, bosses, managers and people under you. We can never be a lonewolf and take on the WORLD ALONE !

Besides that, Scouting also emphasize on discipline and trust. Discipline is one of the main factor that makes Scouting a strong body movement. Without discipline, many things cannot be done in time and also will lead to the decrease in quality in production. Therefore, scouting really emphasize on discipline because it is the quality that they want. Whether its in the gadget that was built or the activities or the campfire, we scouts want quality !

As i grew older, i become a scout leader and in no time an assistant scout master (ASM). Now, as a scout leader or a scout master, leadership qualities really plays an important role because you will be guiding the juniors and also organizing events. Events such as camps, campfires, leadership courses, jamborees and many more. Such events require leadership skills to make it fun, educational and most importantly beneficial.

Therefore, i just want to let the young people out there to know that Scouting is one of those many platforms that you can use to give yourself an edge when you are going to face the "working world". There are many many other platforms, its up to you to choose which path you want to take to achieve your dreams !


ps: i will post my next post which entitled "ROTARACT - Meet The World"

Thank You and God Bless
Nicholas Goh 

Monday, April 27, 2009


Hello World, well as everyone knows, this is my Maiden Post... so i hope that everyone can forgive me for any mistakes or gramatical error... Thank You.

"Imagination Changes The World" qouted by Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 - 1821), this qoute is very true to me (at least) because I believe that with dreams and imaginations, many things can be achieved. For example, The Wright brothers - Orville and Wilbur dared to dream that humans can 'fly' and created the first controlled, powered and sustained heavier-than-air human flight, on December 17, 1903.
Just imagine, if the Wright brothers never had this dream to try to 'fly',maybe we might still be travelling around the world by sea or land !!! 

The imagination of a child is the BEST and the Freshest of all. They can dream or imagine of anything at all. If you ask a kid : "what would they wanna be in the future ?", they will give you all sorts of answers that will make you laugh. Some will want to be a SUPERHERO, the richest guy on earth, the most handsome guy or prettiest girl ... lots and lots of answers because they dare to dream.

But, as we grow older, all those dreams start to fade away because we know that superheroes are all fiction and we know that to be the richest man on earth is like climbing tens of Everest. So, people start to surrender the dream that they had when they were a kid and move on to live a normal lifestyle and go through the same routine everyday (The Rat Race).

However, young people should not just put their dreams aside just because of the harsh reality of the world. They can still be successful if they start right. We all have options, to choose the path we want to take. As long as we dare to dream and carry out that dream, i am sure that there will be platforms that will help us to succeed. Platforms that will help young people to pursue their dreams.

Then, comes the basic question of "Where do I find this platform?" or "What are these platforms?". 


ps: thank you people for reading and i will post my next Topic "Platform to Success" very soon =)

cheers and dare to DREAM !!!
Nicholas G

Maiden Blog

Hello World, Hi my name is Nicholas Goh and the main purpose of me creating this BLOG is to share my life experience with everyone especially the YOUTH in this world about the platform to success that is around us ... 

Its no 'biggie' really ... but I am pretty sure it will be able to help many young people to make their decision in how to start or take the 1st step to success...

Items that might occur in the blog to are :

- Malaysian Culture
- Voluntary Body Movements
- Personal experience
- etc

Last but not least, I humbly hope that everyone in the world could share their experiences with me and also correct me if i am wrong. Thank You !!!